Beach House Nursery
Parental Webcam helps nurseries tackle the problem head-on using a highly secure web-cam facility. By enabling parents to view live images of their child at play via the internet from wherever they are, they can see for themselves that their child is fine and the nursery is doing a fantastic job. Parental webcams give parents peace of mind and allow them to be more involved in their children's daily activities.
A 21st century extension of the 'open door policy' Parental Webcam is popular with parents and nursery staff as it provides an easy and effective way of offering reassurance and building trust. Parental Webcams are 5-star facility for greater day nurseries that are so proud of their services that they are happy to let parents to 'drop in' and have a look whenever they like.
Parental Webcam is an innovative way of giving your nursery the edge over your competitors. Not only do parents love it, in a practical sense it also clearly demonstrates how proud you are of the consistently high standards of care provided. Allowing parents to 'drop in' to look whenever they like shows that you have the utmost confidence in all your staff. The added benefit of course is that happy parents are also the most effective (and free) way of advertising your services in the local community.
Parental Webcam helps to increase parents' understanding and awareness of their children's development. Simply put, the Parental Webcam provides parents with a means to be involved in their child's daily achievements and share to some degree in their milestones. Parental Webcam enables nurseries to work more closely with parents and deliver a family-friendly childcare solution which meets the needs of all.
Without exception, all of the nurseries that have Parental Webcam installed enjoy full enrolment. This is easy to understand as when given a choice, parents overwhelmingly select a nursery where they can see their children anytime, anywhere. And once parents have used Parental Webcam, they can never go to another nursery without one.
"Webcams in nurseries can at least temporarily fulfill some needs of parents avoiding conflict with nursery teachers and children. Webcams are going to change the relationship between children, parents and nursery teachers. The case is a symbol of our time." Dr. Jorgensen. Click Here to find out more about the study.
Find Out More About the Study
"... very pleased with NurseryCam. I know that some parents have decided to register their child based on this facility alone."
Michelle Williamson, Twinkle Tots Day Nursery
"We are extremely happy with NurseryCam. We are doing so much better than we'd hoped after 8 months of being open and we believe this is largely due to the fact that parents are attracted by the fact that they can see their children whilst at work."
Tina Powick, Rendlesham Day Nursery
If you have any queries or would like to find out more, we are happy to hear from you and provide assistance in any way we can.
Dr. Vibeke Jorgensen*
Child psychologist, Vibeke Jorgensen, conducted a comprehensive psychological research on the use of webcam in modern day nurseries. Below is the summary of Dr. Jorgensen's paper.
This study found that webcams are used by parents to fulfil their needs of safety, structure and order (security needs), of love, the feeling of belongingness and friendship (needs of social contact), of knowledge and understanding (needs of personal development).
Parents use the webcams because of a need for homeliness and the well known, the child. Webcams give them a feeling that they are actually taking part in the activities in the nursery that they and their child are together even though they are miles apart. "It's the possibility of seeing my son in a situation in which I can't take part, but sense that I do"
Behind the motives of gaining insight lies a need for knowledge. Parents use webcams to evaluate,
The wellbeing of their child;
How these child develops compared to other children;
Relationships between their child and other children;
The relationship between their child and the nursery teacher;
If an activity that the parents appreciate is taking place in the nursery;
Their relationship with their own child and, indirectly, their parental role.
Parents of the western world today live in a modernity that is radicalized, which can be contrasted with a traditional society characterized by close connections between time and space, by religiousness and a low speed of change. For good parenting and the best childhood in our modern society, parents often have the conflict between two choices/ schools of thought,
Ideally, the child stays at home - that an emotionally quite intend relationship between mother and child is considered natural and right, and a child needs a stable attachment to one caretaker.
Ideally, the child goes to a nursery - the ideas of the child being competent, able to cope with a multipersonal world, and partly resilent is a newer concept.
This conflict is an important reason for the use of webcams. A webcam can be used as a sort of bridge between ideals reflecting tradition and modernity giving the parent the best of both worlds: they do not have to choose between which of the two sets of ideals they should follow.
This study found that webcams can fulfil parents' needs in these areas security (safety, structure & order), social contact (love, friendship & togetherness) and personal development (knowledge & understanding). It is just one of many modern technologies which over the next few years might change the relationship between children, parents and nursery teachers. The case is a symbol of our time.
* This is a scientific research report conducted by an independent psychologist using independent funding. The author does not endorse NurseryCam nor the use of webcams in day nurseries. NurseryCam has not endorsed Dr. Jorgensen and her researches.
"Sitting in work after 6 months maternity leave, 1st week back and thinking what am I doing here. I just wanted to see my baby! Thinking what is she doing now, is she missing me. I logged in and she was asleep! So I knew she was ok. Thank you, this is such a wonderful idea."
Parent, Liverpool.
"I have just sent my fourth child to nursery and I feel so reassured. It's comforting to be so involved with his care even though I have to be at work"
Kerri Ehret, Suffolk
If you have any queries or would like to find out more, we are happy to hear from you and provide assistance in any way we can.
NurseryCam is a secure webcam facility which allows parents to view live video images of their children in day nurseries and pre-schools securely over the Internet. But what is it, really? In its simplest form, Parental Webcam is a video camera hooked up to the internet in a way that makes the live video viewable via a secure website.
Unobtrusive digital video cameras are fitted in each room of the nursery. In order to convert what the camera sees into something that can be transmitted over the internet, a special device called a 'video server' is used. The cameras are plugged into the video server, and the video server is plugged into a high speed internet connection.
Converting all of that video into a format that can be transmitted over the internet creates a large amount of data. The high-speed connection is vital, to be able to transmit all of this data over the internet. ADSL broadband internet is a popular, cost-effective solution which you can also use for your other web surfing purposes.
A nursery computer is not a vital requirement. The stand-alone video server has enough processing power to handle all the required security and transmission functions, as well as having the advantage of low maintenance. Eventually, you do need a computer to log on to your nursery's control page - but you can do this from any computer with internet connection.
When using a broadband internet connection parents can expect a refresh rate of up to eight frames per second. A dial-up connection will deliver one frame per second.
When an authorised parent has successfully logged in, they will see a user-friendly viewing screen that looks like this:
The buttons on the right hand side bring parents to room or rooms where their children learn, play, have fun and sometimes nap. And from here, parents can see your nursery's message board. It provides a wonderful way to help parents stay connected with your centre. Parents will also see the details of their 20 previous login history, an easy way for parents to perform some security check on their own account activity.
While parents are happily viewing, YOU, as the nursery administrator, have full control at your fingertips. You can log onto your Control Panel from your own PC. And all these management functions are done through a user-friendly web-based interface. Please read the Manager Control Panel section.
Read More About Manager Control PanelWhat is the different between Parental Webcam and CCTV?
Combined CCTV and Parental Webcam system:
The cameras we use for Parental Webcam and our CCTV systems are the same, therefore you can enable the Parental Webcam or CCTV functions at anytime without any extra cost. This gives you the flexibility of installing one service now and having the option to provide the other later.
"I am sitting in the departure lounge at Heathrow Airport connected wirelessly using my wireless enabled Laptop in a wireless network "Hotspot" watching my children in the Nursery. Fabulous technology!"
Steve, Parent, Liverpool.
"I purposely chose a nursery that has NurseryCam. I think it is a really good idea, as it puts my mind at ease when I see my daughter happily playing."
Tina Powick, Rendlesham Day Nursery
"I love being able to watch my little girl at playschool. Especially when her Nanna goes to pick her up and she comes racing across the carpet and leaps into her arms. I usually get a wave down the camera and if I'm lucky a kiss blown to me too! She gets a lot of confidence knowing that I'm watching her and it's nice for me, as I can prompt her when I ask her what she has been doing and she can't quite remember all that she has cramed into the session."
Connie, Somerset
If you have any queries or would like to find out more, we are happy to hear from you and provide assistance in any way we can.
You have the final say as to APPROVE or DECLINE each parent's account application before he/ she can view the Parental Webcam footage.
For families which have left the nursery or are on holiday, you could simply DELETE or BAR their access.
You can limit which camera(s) each individual parent is allowed to view. For example Johnny's mum only has permission to view the Bear Room camera and the Garden camera.
You can set the limit as to when each individual parent can have access. For example Johnny only comes in on Wednesday afternoon, so his mum has permission between 1:00pm - 6:00pm on Wednesday.
The logbook lists all the parents who had logged in, at what time and from where. Should any login fail, the system states the reason for the failure.
The online message board is an excellent way for you to communicate with parents as they log in. For example "Don't forget Farmer John is visiting on Wednesday morning!"
While you have full control of the system, we are doing all the work in the background. We look after the system from our centralized NurseryCam Operation Centre, eliminating the need for costly server equipment to be purchased by your nursery, as well as reducing the time and money involved in maintenance and upgrades. Our services include:
management of parent viewing accounts
technical support for nurseries & parents
24 x 7 security checks
free software upgrades
remote system administration
system performance monitoring
and many more...
We run all of the technology, so that it is completely hassle-free for you. After all, you want to spend your valuable time with the children and staff at your nursery.
NurseryCam is a state-of-the-art system where advanced technologies are used to guarantee security, reliability and performance. It is supported by a team of professional engineers who are quick to address your problems. It is safe, reliable and hassle-free.
If you have any queries or would like to find out more, we are happy to hear from you and provide assistance in any way we can.
The digital video recorder (DVR) digitises and stores months of video footage into hard disks. The process is completely automated, therefore the overwriting of old recordings sequentially means there is no need to change and archive video tapes.
IBM-based stand-alone DVR with advanced functionality, without the drawbacks of unstable PC-based DVR
3000GB Hard Disk Storage: gives upto 18 months of recording
Powerful pentaplex
simultaneous recording, playback, backup, remote monitoring, and remote playback on all cameras
Built-in hardware motion detection with intelligent pre-alarm recording
Management Software over Network
Easy and efficient back-up onto CD/DVD or PC
The infra-red LED on our outdoor camera allows it to capture clear video even in pitch black conditions. Its weatherproof casing also ensures it works properly in all weathers.
SONY 1/3" SuperHAD CCD
12/24 Infra-Red LEDs; Effective length of 10-20 metres
480TVL high resolution gives the highest image quality
3.6mm wide angle lens or vari-focal lens for covering larger area
0.0 lux ultimate light sensitivity allows vision in zero light conditions
Colour during the day (better image details) and B/W during the night (better light sensitivity)
IP66 weatherproof
• World-renowned vibrant colour • Day & Night vision • Discreet • Light weight • Low voltage • Reliable
These CCTV professional monitors are purposely built for 24-hour continuous operation. They have much higher reliable than other standard domestic monitors.
High quality 21.5" Flat screen LCD Colour monitor
High Resolution
Split screen and auto sequence
• Designed specifically for CCTV industry • Crisp clear image • Reliable
Problems do occasionally arise, however rest assured we provide a full support service for all our systems. Each nursery is assigned its own dedicated, fully-qualified engineer - and all our engineers understand the sensitive nursery environment and take extra care to minimise risk and disruption when they are on site. Our experienced office support team are also keen to help you and your staff - please feel free to call us if you have any issues or questions.
32-camera system
32 channels video server is now available. This means a large nursery could have up to 32 cameras!
MPEG4 compression
All of our DVRs are now using MPEG4 video compression. This offers longer recording time or even faster refresh rate over the internet.
3000GB Hard Disk Space for 8 or 16 channel DVR
it is important for day nursery to keep recordings upto 18 months.
"I can't believe how good the quality is, the images are very clear and the refresh rate is extremely quick. It has made my day being able to see my son enjoying his day at the nursery. I doubt I will get as much done at work now though."
Rob, Parent, Manchester
"We have all been impressed with how clear the pictures are. Many thanks for your fast and efficient service."
Julie & James, Huggies Day Nursery
"We have been generally impressed with the system. The engineers were especially good. We would recommend your company to any new (or old) nursery school. Thanks for your efficiency."
Mr Robert Higgins, Headmaster, Genesis Nursery
"We have been happy with the service you have provided us."
Sonia Hope, Zig Zag Nursery
"We have been generally impressed with the system. The engineers were especially good. We would recommend your company to any new (or old) nursery school. Thanks for your efficiency."
Mr Robert Higgins, Headmaster, Genesis Nursery
"NurseryCam staffs are professional and always at hand when required. They are willing to take that pressure off you. Keep up the good work NurseryCam!"
Sandra Anderson, Loving Hands Day Nursery
"We are extremely happy with NurseryCam. If we open another nursery we would have NurseryCam in again."
Tina Powick, Rendlesham Day Nursery
If you have any queries or would like to find out more, we are happy to hear from you and provide assistance in any way we can.
The NurseryCam Parental Webcam system encrypts every single image before it leaves your nursery. Image encryption prevents anyone from tapping onto the phone line and eavesdrop the images.
Block unwanted connections to access the DVR directly. We will setup the network to allow only recognized server to access to the DVR to get the encrypted feeds out from the Nursery.
Every parent's login password and all information sent out from NurseryCam Parental Webcam is encrypted with TLS Protocol.
Each parent has an individual password account. No account sharing is allowed, even between mum and dad. This enables us to closely monitor each account and catch any suspicious activity. Issuing of lost/stolen passwords will be restricted to an automated process.
We have developed a proprietary, patent-pending login system where parents can see their last twenty logins including information on login status, location, source and network. Any suspicious activity within their account can be spotted immediately.
Every parent has to obtain a secret PIN from their nursery before being able to submit an application through our secure application process. The account is only activated after the application has been reviewed and approved by the nursery management. In this process, not even the nursery owner knows the parent's account password.
To prohibit unauthorised access to the NurseryCam Parental Webcam from an unattended computer, each account automatically stops image updates and has timed log-outs after five minutes.
Nursery managers have full control of all parent accounts and cameras. Only the authorised manager can approve, suspend or delete parent accounts.
our nursery will limit individual parent's viewing access to only the room(s) his/her child is in (e.g. Bear Room and garden) and the time his/her child attends the nursery (e.g. Monday and Wednesday afternoons only). Plus, you can limit the maximum viewing time per day.
Watchdogs are programmed to routinely check all gateways and detect any suspicious activity or multiple failed attempts. If detected, our security staff are immediately alerted.
Firewalls are used to prevent unauthorised internet users from accessing NurseryCam servers. Each message entering or leaving the NurseryCam servers are examined and those that do not meet our specified security criteria are automatically blocked.
Our dedicated monitoring team operates 24/7 to ensure that the highest security standard is maintained at all times. An abused account would be suspended immediately and dealt by our security personnel directly.
Most hackers don't crack into the systems by brute force. Banks and military organisations are often vulnerable because their systems involve many people and multiple access points. The NurseryCam central server is built on a simple, proprietary platform where it is protected by layers of security functions which close off all possible loopholes.
For security reasons we would not disclose certain security details on the web. But if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email our security department at [email protected].
There are many companies providing web-enabled CCTV systems. While most of them come with standard security feature such as SSL authentication login, they don't have image encryption function to protect every single image transmitted over the internet. This means images are vulnerable to eavesdropping.
NurseryCam system encrypts every single image transmitted over the internet. In addition, all points are protected by multi-layered security features to ensure the absolute safety of the system.
We have a CCTV reseller program which allows integration of NurseryCam security technologies into conventional CCTV systems. Please contact us for more details.
Staffs at nurseries that feature NurseryCam are pleasantly surprised when they learn how it works. The purpose of the NurseryCam system is to enable working parents to see their children. NurseryCam brings a smile to a working mother's face by letting her see her child during the day. Parents use NurseryCam to see their children, not to see the staffs.
Here are some facts about how to support your staffs:
Nursery staff may find it helpful to talk to staff in other nurseries that have already installed a Parental Webcam. If you feel your staff would benefit from this, please let us know and we will arrange you to talk to them. They are more than happy to share their experience with you.
In the experience of our nurseries, most of parents' complaints arise not from the incident that sparked them but from a deeper sense of mistrust of the nursery by the parent or a feeling of guilt. Parental Webcam helps to banish such feelings. The result is that levels of trust between parents and the nursery rise and the number of complaints reduces as a consequence.
Great nursery staffs work exceptionally hard, however their effort can often go unrecognised by parents and occasionally by nursery managers. Parental Webcam is an effective way for everyone to share the positive interactions between nursery staffs and children that take place on an ongoing basis.
Once Parental Webcam is up and running, staffs often tell us they received more compliments from parents than ever before:
"...it's also nice to see how good all of the staff are with the children. I have seen that Josh is cared for when upset and offered a cuddle when he has woken up. These little things make me feel so much happier about leaving my son in the care of the staff." Katie, Exeter
Parental Webcam undoubtedly brings many benefits to working parents, however, some nursery staff can feel a little uncomfortable at the prospect of being on camera to begin with. Good communication and a sensitive individual approach from the beginning is therefore important. Once the system is installed, staff quickly forget it is there in the same way that CCTV cameras in shops and banks for example are largely ignored by most of us.
In order to ensure that Parental Webcam works effectively for nursery staff as well as parents, we welcome feedback. The following features have all been introduced as a result of comments from nursery staff using Parental Webcam.
Each nursery has the option to set a limit on the maximum viewing time per day for each parent. Some nurseries have set a limit of 15 minutes or 30 minutes per day. This is enough to keep parents happy without interfering with your work too much.
The cameras are stationary and cannot pan, tilt, or zoom. Each camera is typically positioned to provide a wide-angle view of a large area or an entire classroom.
NurseryCam representatives are available to answer your questions. To learn more, you can ask your manager to arrange for a demonstration, or invite a NurseryCam representative to attend one of your staff meetings. If you have more suggestions or concerns, we are very keen to hear from you. We want to make parents happy, but not to make staffs worry.
Packages includes:
Digital video recorder (DVR) with inbuilt video server
Western DigitalĀ® hard disks
High-resolution outdoor IR vandal-resistant dome cameras
21.5" LCD Flatscreen monitor
Power supply unit
1 year warranty on all equipments
1 year warranty on labour
Please kindly contact our Sales Team for an obligation-free quotation and full price list.
"We have thought about a parent webcam facility for a long time, but we are glad that we have installed it. It makes my nursery an ever more loving and caring place for both parents and children."
Nursery owner, Hertfordshire
"I have 3 nurseries and other businesses, and I could not spend as much time in the nurseries as I would like. NurseryCam allows me to control my businesses and maintain quality of service even though I am not physically there. And the parents absolutely love it. And I am looking forward to having it installed in my fourth nursery as soon as it is finished being built."
Nursery owner, Cambridgeshire
"It gives us a winning edge over our bigger competitors. For us, NurseryCam gives us a seal of trust."
Childminder, Cornwall
"When the alarm is triggered in the middle of the night, I can quickly login and do a visual verification to make sure everything is OK. It saves me time and brings me peace of mind."
Pre-school owner, Hampshire
"It is great to see my NurseryCam, which comes with advanced CCTV functions, is cheaper than a conventional CCTV system."
Nursery owner, Greater London
"When we first started we were worried about the need to fill up the places. Apart from our top quality, clean settings and excellent staff, NurseryCam is another factor which helped us reached near full occupancy quickly in a short time. When we demonstrate to a parent touring our nursery the features of NurseryCam, it becomes a large factor in that parent deciding to enroll at our place"
New nursery owner, Yorkshire
If you have any queries or would like to find out more, we are happy to hear from you and provide assistance in any way we can.
"Living across the other side of the world it is wonderful to see our little grandchild in her daily environment and to see the wonderful care that is shown by her minders it is quite wonderful."
Jenny Neal, Sydney Australia
"We are grand parents and live overseas. This allows us keep in touch with our only grand son and see his progress on daily basis and that all is well with him. We think it is a wonderful idea putting modern technology into good use at a time when both parents are compelled to work full time."
S.Beidas, Malaga, Spain (child at Cherry Tree Nursery, Berkshire)
"I am sitting in the departure lounge at Heathrow Airport connected wirelessly using my wireless enabled Laptop in a wireless network "Hotspot" watching my children in the Nursery. Fabulous Technology!"
Steve, Liverpool
"I am SOOOOO excited to be looking at Macy Moo all the way from New Zealand. At this moment in time she is looking intellectual and reading a book - that's my girl! Give her a big kiss from me. Miss you all heaps. Auntie Jenny (and Auntie Fan!)."
Jenny, New Zealand (niece at Les Enfant, Inverness)
"I live in Northern Ireland and don't see my grandson very often this is now a lovely way for me to watch him play, take his first steps and grow. Thank you makes me smile now every day."
Karen, Northen Ireland (Grandson at Woodside Nursery, Lincolnshire)
"Hi, Its Troy's Dad I'm at work out in Iraq and am enjoying watching my son run around playing, I think that it is great for me to be able to see what he is up to while im away. Thank you to all the staff for the wonderfull job that they do with my son and the other children, Have fun and will see you when i get back :)"
Adam, Iraq (Son at Kingscliffe Day Nursery, Loghborough)
" I would like to take this opportunity to praise your facility. We live in Spain near Malaga and get to see our two and a half year old Granddaughter only 4 times a year when she visits us or we visit her in the UK so this gives us the opportunity to see her twice a week and keep up with her progress. For this we thank you. You see you keep families together. I know of two other sets of grandparents who do the same."
Geoff Wray, Spain (Granddaughter at Munchkins Day Nursery, Exeter)
" My name is Miriam and I am Noam's grandmother. I live in Israel and I miss him very much. I cannot find words to express how much I thank you for having installed the Parental Webcam. So I can watch my grandson every day! Thank you!!!"
Miriam, Israel (Grandson at Active Learning, North Finchley)
WebCam in my child's nursery is an easy way to follow my child's daily routine, to watch my child interact with others & to keep up with my child's development. A quick peek would bring me peace of mind all day long."
Rubeena Nishad Abdulla, CESK (Doha, Qatar)
" It puts me at ease knowing I can log on and see my child from work :)Also love watching him with his friends..."
Bhanu, London
" It's just reassuring to be able to see your baby whenever you like. The nursery she's at is excellent and has brilliant facilities so I have no problems there. I just like the idea that I can see how she is doing during the day especially as I am returning to work this week and she has taken a while to settle in."
Sandra Marques, Active Learning Nursery (Dorking)
" I like to watch my son at nursery he is an only child and he is in babyroom. It gives me and my husband piece of mind to be able to see our son from work etc and it stops me worrying so much."
Kelly Mcphee, Blackpool
" Having the use of this facility gives a boosted sense of security and reassurance that my son is happy and contented at nursery."
Keesha, Liverpool
" Thanks - great service providing peace of mind whilst our daughter was at nursery."
Jonathan Mole
" It gives me peace of mind. Knowing that the early stages of settling my daughter into childcare can be stressful for her therefore it's nice I can check and see how she is doing."
Sharon, Cumbria
" I believe it's a good idea especially for first time mums to place their child in a NurseryCam nursery as it helps them overcome their fear of leaving their child with strangers and also it show that the nursery is doing its job well by not having to worry that they are being watched."
Natalia Nabi, Northampton
" I think it is great, because now I can watch my child whenever I like its good and reassuring. Especially a young mum like me who can be very attached to their child."
Tammy Glover, North Wales
" Total peace of mind, lovely to see how happy my 4 children are at nursery and how fantastic the staffs are with the children, I would always pick a nursery with a cam, brilliant picture too!"
Helen, Kingscliffe Day Nursery
"I have just enrolled my daughter to where they have NurseryCam and it has given me total piece of mind."
Pearson, Bradford
" I purposely chose a nursery that had a web cam. I think it is a really good idea, as it puts my mind at ease when I see my daughter happily playing."
Kelly, Manchesterb
" Yes, I would prefer it if there was a NurseryCam because then you can see how they are going on through out the day also if you have left them and they are very upset, you can just check on them to see if they are ok and have stopped crying."
Kelly Mcglynn, Blackpool
" When ever I use the webcam it always brings a smile to my face, I love seeing my little girl happy and well when I can't be with her. This is the reason I choose the nursery and I must say it's very very good. Thank you!"
Emma, Sheffield
" Active learning is the nursery in my area with a web cam. It was a very important point for our family to be able to see our son during the day, and was the final decision maker between our 2 favourite nurseries."
Kate Borhan, Active Learning (Fulham)
" My son has only started nursery in the last month and one of the deciding factors when selecting a nursery was the nurserycam. I love the fact that I can see my son at any time whilst he is there and that the nursery is that confident in its staff and facilities that they offer us this opportunity. I must admit it is quite addictive though..."
Maria, Kidz at Work Day Nursery
NurseryCam specialises in CCTV, parental webcam and website designs for day nursery sector in UK. NurseryCam allows parents to see live images of their children in childcare centres and day nurseries securely via secure internet webcam.
You need further information or have a question?
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