Star features for top class day nurseries
NurseryCam helps great nurseries stand out from the rest and improve even further the quality of the services they provide. Our mission is to help you build more effective staff to parent communication and understanding, incorporate security systems which maximise efficiency, and present your nursery as the leading provider of professional and caring childcare in your community.
Our market-leading and award-winning products and services are designed specifically to meet the needs, concerns and budgets of day nurseries and childcare providers - many of whom are striving to differentiate themselves in a competitive and emotive marketplace.
Our products

Parental Webcam
For 5-star nurseries who want to tackle the problem head-on using a highly secure web-cam facility and promote the great job their staff do every day. Parental webcam reassures parents by enabling parents to view live images of their child at play via the internet from wherever they are, they can see for themselves that their child is fine and the nursery is doing a fantastic job.
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CCTV creates a 24 hour security, maximum protection of the staff and children in your care as well as an effective way to resolve misunderstandings without conflict.
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Nursery Website
Professionally presented information for new parents, and nursery news all delivered via one easy-to-update website.
Find Out MoreIncrease your occupancy level
For nurseries facing increasing competition, achieving and keeping occupancy levels high is the only way to protect profitability and business sustainability in the long term. NurseryCam products and services will help in two distinct ways:
1. By giving you the edge over your competition and ensuring you beomce the first choice for new parents.
2. By enabling you to further improve the quality of service offered to the parents already using your services - and therefore protecting the income you already have.
Reach full occupancy faster
Many new nurseries fail because it takes them too long to reach full occupancy. Using NurseryCam products and services from the outset gives you the unique selling points you need to compete more effectively against other childcare providers in your area. Many nurseries recruit through word of mouth - installing Parental Webcam is a fantastic way to attract attention and ensure it is your new nursery parents are talking positively about.
Researchers say:
Find Out More“Parental recommendation will be your most effective form of marketing for your nursery. Parental perceptions of your nursery are therefore extremely important.”
Starting and Running a Nursery by Helen Jameson et. al.
“We believe the best way to improve occupancy is to deliver a first class product. It’s not an option to take costs down. It’s very clear - 60% of your income goes on nursery salaries. Day nursery staff: child ratios are crystal clear at 1:3, 1:4 and 1:8 - and there’s no room for maneuver in that. So you can’t really set out to fix your business taking costs down. You have to make sure you are giving a good service, getting occupancy up and getting parents as advocates. Then people will pay a fair price for the service you provide.”
Andrew Fitzmaurice, chief executive of Nord Anglia, “Looking forward - interview” Nursery Management Today Yearbook 2006/2007